Audio:QS091201.AIF C-box:His plays deal with the isolation and loneliness of man. He is one of America's most performed playwrights. BallLoc:#none LineNum: GeoBytesUsed:6 PaletteNeutralPic: A-box or Headline5:N/A A-box or Headline6:N/A Correct:Tennessee Williams*QS091202.AIF* Wrong 1:Oscar Wilde Wrong 2:Arthur Miller Wrong 3:Noel Coward Wrong 4:Sinclair Lewis Wrong 5:Stephen King Wrong 6:Sam Shepard Wrong 7:George M. Cohan Wrong 8:Neil Simon GeoByte1:Tennessee Williams wrote poetry and fiction in addition to plays. GeoByte2:Many of Williams' plays have been successfully turned into movies. GeoByte3:Thomas Lanier Williams was born in Mississippi, but he chose "Tennessee" as his pen name. GeoByte4:Vivien Leigh won an Oscar for her role in the movie ^A Streetcar Named Desire^, based on Tennessee Williams' play. GeoByte5:Tennessee Williams' play ^The Glass Menagerie^ is considered a classic of American drama. GeoByte6:Tennessee Williams received two Pulitzer Prizes, one for ^A Streetcar Named Desire^ and a second for ^Cat on a Hot Tin Roof^. GeoByte7: GeoByte8: GeoByte9: GeoByte10: PictCast:["HQ090150.PIC", "HQ090250.PIC", "HQ090350.PIC", "HQ090450.PIC", "HQ090550.PIC", "HQ090650.PIC", "HQ090750.PIC", "HQ090850.PIC", "HQ090950.PIC", "HQ091050.PIC", "HQ091150.PIC", "HQ091250.PIC"] VideoReward:HP091250.MOV Palette:PaletteQ12 StartVideo: EndVideo: LastFrameReward:HP091290.PIC Glossary Start Glossary End